How resolve the Micromax Data Card “No Device/ No signal” problem on window 8

Many people who install window 8 on their computer and using Micromax USB modem for net connect on their computer got the problem of No Device. When they connect the Micromax USB modem software shows No Device or no signal, This is because Micromax USB modem Is set to compatible with Window XP. To resolve  the problem you have to set the modem installer compatible with window 7


Few steps to resolve the problem:

  1. Uninstall the modem driver
  2. Unplug the modem the connect the modem to pc
  3. Open the my computer
  4. Open the modem drive
  5. Then you find out modem installer .exe file in it
  6. Right click on installer file
  7. Click on property then click on compatibility tab
  8. Then click on change setting for all user
  9. Here you find out that the device compatibility mode window XP or other
  10. Change it window 7 and now click on apply and ok
  11. Now remove the modem
  12. Open computer management by right click on My Computer then on Manage tab
  13. In computer management click on Device Management
  14. Uninstall all USB Modem device
  15. Now exit window
  16. Plug the modem and install the driver
  17. Now you get the problem is solved



20 thoughts on “How resolve the Micromax Data Card “No Device/ No signal” problem on window 8”

    1. Don’t warry MO. Device problem So simple to solve.
      1. Unstall MMX353G
      2. Unplug
      3. Restart Pc
      4. Install Modem_installation
      5. Install showModem
      6. PC restart
      Enjoy Dost balle balle

  1. here is the solution..
    start the mmx usb manager
    when it shows no devices
    go to installation folder in program files (keep the MMX usb manager open in back ground)
    then go to driver folder
    here you will find InstallDriver.exe
    run it once (keep the MMX usb manager open in back ground)
    it will detect the device in a while

    1. i also face same problem…no sim detetced and green light continuously on…..what is the soultion bro…device has over warrenty period..

  2. sir muje ye step nahi mil rha hai

    In computer management click on Device Management
    Uninstall all USB Modem device

  3. my hauwei e303fh-1 data card is also does not receive the signal.but some times its connected and autoaticaly disconnected in few minites.please help me

  4. when i plug my modem to pc and thwn connect but that shows limitaed network what i do?

  5. Airtel 4G dongle by Micromax MMX 444L had an issue connecting to internet. The error was: “628 The connection was terminated by the remote computer before it could be completed.”. To solve this, I had to take out the SIM from the dongle, place it in a mobile handset, switch on mobile and allow it to connect to airtel network. Now switch off mobile, take out sim and place it back into dongle. Now the connection worked from a Windows 10 laptop.

  6. hi shashi,there is no need to do all that stuff,its good u tried like that but i will tell u a simple solution when this kind of issue i.e.,628 The connection was terminated by the remote computer before it could be completed occurs
    1.keep the device in disconnected mode
    2.go to device settings
    3.go to options tab
    4.go to type
    5.Select NDIS
    thats it it will work then,if by chance NDIS is selected before only then select RAS ,the device will not show such type of error then,hope this solution helps u,Happy browsing

  7. Hello,
    Dear Team,
    I have a micromax 3g dongle but it is not work on my PC (Windows xp 3). Its not showing dongle setup on my PC its showing only as a drive g: like drive c: and drive d: ! Because I was deleted this dongle program files from drive c: . please help me urgently ! Thanks

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